Tailgate32 Home

The B-Sides — Episode Archive

Losing Our Minds

Losing Our Minds

Shots Shots Shots

Shots Shots Shots

Mike and John Tailgate the Super Bowl

Tailgate the Super Bowl

Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced

Kiss Me, I'm Shitfaced

Happy Holidays 2012

Happy Holidays 2012



The Schedule

The Schedule

Dives w/ Mike and John

Dives w/ Mike and John

About The Series

The B-Sides are a combination of behind-the-scenes material from Tailgate32 and Revved Up and a little bit of Mike and John just plain goofing around. From scoping out the dive bar scene in Austin to an ode to shots, shots and more shots, to a weary and delirious Christmas celebration on the RV, you'll get a glimpse of a silly side of the guys.